High School Credit Courses
The following courses are available for 8th graders to take for high school credit. If you have questions or would like your student to enroll in one of these courses, please contact our Guidance Department.
Physical Science I
Physical Science is designed to continue student investigations of the physical sciences that began in grades K-8 and provide students the necessary skills to have a richer knowledge base in physical science. The course is designed as a survey of the core ideas in the physical sciences. The physical science standards include abstract concepts such as the conceptualization of the structure of atoms and the role they play in determining the properties of materials, motion and forces, the conservation of energy and matter, wave behavior, electricity, and the relationship between electricity and magnetism. The idea of radioactive decay is limited to the understanding of whole half-lives and how a constant proportional rate of decay is consistent with declining measures that only gradually approach to zero.
Personal Health/Fitness
Personal Health/Fitness introduces instruction in methods to attain a healthy level of physical fitness; implements a lifetime fitness program based on a personal fitness assessment and stresses strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, body composition, and cardiovascular endurance; includes instruction in fitness principles, nutrition, fad diets, weight control, stress management, adherence strategies, and consumer information; and promotes self-awareness and responsibility for fitness. Students will acquire basic personal health concepts that help maintain healthy behaviors and prevent disease and demonstrate patterns of healthy behaviors to prevent or reduce the risk of injury and/or illness throughout their lifespan and describe the interrelationships of emotional, physical, social, and intellectual health and how their surroundings can impact each aspect of health.
Basic Agricultural Science
Basic Agricultural Science is designed as the foundational course for all Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Pathways. The course introduces the major areas of scientific agricultural production and research; presents problem solving lessons and introductory skills and knowledge in agricultural science and agri-related technologies. Classroom and laboratory activities are supplemented through supervised agricultural experiences and leadership programs and activities. This course is the prerequisite for all AFNR pathways and is intended for students in grades 8-10.
Visual Arts Comprehensive I
Visual Arts Comprehensive I introduces art history, art criticism, aesthetic judgment, and studio production. Emphasizes the ability to understand and use elements and principles of design through a variety of media, processes, and visual resources. Explores master artworks for historical and cultural significance.
Instrumental Ensemble I
Instrumental Ensemble is for any band member who has previous experience playing instruments in middle school or high school. Students will learn the foundations of all instruments. Students will be studying and performing music for concert band.
Spanish I (scheduled for FY22 with Spanish II added in FY23)
Spanish I focuses on the development of communicative competence in the Spanish and understanding of the culture(s) of the people who speak the language.